Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jamie Oliver's Evolution Carrot Salad

One change I've made when I'm cooking dinner is to make more salads. Not just one salad per meal, but instead of a starchy potato, rice, or pasta dish, I'm making TWO salads. Jake and Hubs are loving it, too and we are really getting a lot of great veggies!

This salad is simple, but good. The only thing that I changed is I reduced the amount of olive oil. Love ya Jamie, but your salads are a bit oily for me.

4-5 large carrots, peeled and grated
3 Tbsp olive oil (original recipe called for 6 Tbsp)
salt and pepper to taste
sprigs of fresh mint and coriander, chopped
2 tbsp lemon juice (I zested a lemon and then squeezed the juice from 1/2 the lemon into the salad)
handful of sunflower seeds, toasted
2 or 3 small clementines, peeled and cut into thick slices (didn't use them as I couldn't find any at the store, but I think they'd be delicious!)
crumbled feta

Just toss everything together in a bowl. Yum!

Serves 4
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