Saturday, May 24, 2008

Spicy Chicken & Mango Wraps

Sometimes it's just too hot out to cook. I married two recipes for this one; spicy chicken tossed with a lime mayo, mango, green onion, sweet red pepper and romaine get tossed together into a pesto (or plain) soft flour tortilla. The heat of the chicken and the sweetness of the mango, along with the crunch is a combination hard to beat. Don't make these ahead, as the lettuce will go soggy. These do make a great patio dinner or a light lunch.

4 boneless skinless chicken breast 1/2's
4 cups romaine lettuce, shredded
1 sweet red pepper, cored, seeded, chopped
1-2 mangoes, chopped
2 green onions, sliced
large sized flour tortillas (you can use plain, whole wheat, or even pesto is good)

1 tsp grated lime rind
1/4 cup lime juice
2 tbsp vegetable oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp ancho chili powder (regular is fine, but ancho gives it a smokiness that you can't beat)
1/2 tsp salt
tiny pinch of cayenne pepper (more if you like it hot)
2 tsp liquid honey


2 limes
Miracle whip...about 1/2 cup
1/2 tsp sugar

Cut chicken into bite sized cubes and marinate in the fridge overnight.

The next day, cook chicken until no longer pink (this can mean you can put them on skewers and BBQ or broil them, or even whip them up in a fry pan). Let cool.

Combine chicken with the red pepper, mango, and about 4 cups of lettuce in a bowl. Set aside.

In a different bowl, mix together the Miracle whip with sugar, zest the limes into it, then cut them in 1/2 and squeeze the juice in. Stir well.

Toss the dressing with the chicken salad, adding however much you wish. Some people like lots of dressing-me, not so much.

Divide it between four wraps, roll them up, and enjoy.

Serves four

*Filling is best eaten the same day; it goes all mushy and soggy if you try to keep it.
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